Practice prime factorization by shooting numbers with their prime factors!
Main Concepts: prime factorization
Relevant Subjects: Number Theory, Finite Math, Discrete Math
Can you navigate over the primes less than 100? Step carefully to cross this secret bridge.
Main Concepts: prime numbers
Relevant Subjects: Number Theory, Finite Math, Discrete Math
Don't take that placement test until you do well in this game. Inspired by popular dating apps, you better swipe right only if the answer is RIGHT.
Main Concepts: arithmetic, algebra (common mistakes)
Relevant Subjects: Precalculus, Finite Math
Learning about Cartesian coordinates? Find the points and grab the prize in this claw machine game.
Main Concepts: Cartesian coordinates
Relevant Subjects: Precalculus, Finite Math
Identify Quadrants I-IV on the real plane by placing the puzzle piece in the appropriate quadrant.
Main Concepts: coordinates in the plane, quadrants of the xy plane
Relevant Subjects: Precalculus, Calculus I
Can you list all the subsets without forgetting them? Play alone or with a friend.
Main Concepts: subsets
Relevant Subjects: Set Theory, Finite Math, Discrete Math
Learn about Venn Diagrams, and become a master of Venn shading.
Main Concepts: Venn Diagrams
Relevant Subjects: Set Theory, Finite Math, Discrete Math
Use sets from Venn Diagrams as your gun scope in this sniper game!
Main Concepts: Venn Diagrams
Relevant Subjects: Set Theory, Finite Math, Discrete Math
Defend the circle center (the "Core") from invading enemies. If you learn some unit circle values, you will have a major advantage in predicting their position.
Main Concepts: Unit Circle (trig values)
Relevant Subjects: Trigonometry, Precalculus
Feel comfortable with basic statistics concepts, like mean and median? How quickly can you determine which value is bigger?
Main Concepts: basic statistics
Relevant Subjects: Statistics, Finite Math
Welcome to a number theory-inspired carnival game: the Shooting Gallery of Eratosthenes. Keep each shot within the time limit and shoot out numbers, following the Sieve of Eratosthenes to find all primes on the wall!
Main Concepts: Sieve of Eratosthenes, finding primes
Relevant Subjects: Number Theory
Do you know what an "if-then" statement looks like? It comes in many forms. If you can interpret them, then you might make it through this labyrinth.
Main Concepts: conditional statements
Relevant Subjects: Logic, Finite Math, Transition to Higher Math
Learn Greek letters (commonly used in math) by matching their lowercase and uppercase forms in this traditional card game of memory.
Main Concepts: Greek alphabet (common variables)
Relevant Subjects: Transition to Higher Math
Order the classic 15 Puzzle of sliding tiles, of traditional values 1-15 or of common mathematical values.
Main Concepts: math constants
Relevant Subjects: Transition to Higher Math
Put the statements in order to prove the given claims.
Main Concepts: proof writing
Relevant Subjects: Logic, Finite Math, Discrete Math, Transition to Higher Math
Solve the classic Tower of Hanoi puzzle with a twist! Now, instead of using disks, use three cheerleaders. Solve the puzzle in as few moves as possible.
Main Concepts: induction
Relevant Subjects: Transition to Higher Math
A "Bullet Hell" game inspired by classic space shooters like Galaga and Gradius. The twist: your special weapons are function graphs! Learning graphs has never been so wild!
Main Concepts: function graphs
Relevant Subjects: Precalculus, Calculus I
Return to Graphiga with a new direction, new power-ups, and a returning threat. Once again, function graphs are your greatest weapon - use them to defeat the evil Graphius once and for all!
Main Concepts: function graphs
Relevant Subjects: Precalculus, Calculus I
Get a better feel for derivatives by keeping your board at the correct slope for the graph of ocean waves. Keep matching the slope or you'll wipe out!
Main Concepts: slopes of tangent lines (derivatives)
Relevant Subjects: Calculus I
Antiderivatives are like problems where you are given the answer first. Hm, if only there was a game show like that...
Main Concepts: antiderivatives
Relevant Subjects: Calculus I, Calculus II
Get comfortable with polar coordinates by working your way through these dot-collecting puzzles.
Main Concepts: polar coordinates
Relevant Subjects: Calculus II
Swat that pesky fly! Oh, and learn the shapes of the polar graphs he follows.
Main Concepts: polar function graphs
Relevant Subjects: Calculus II
Treat row reducing a matrix like a game, and get each game puzzle into RREF form!
Main Concepts: row reducing matrices
Relevant Subjects: Linear Algebra, Matrix Algebra
Similar to Quadrants, but in 3D. Place the blocks in the appropriate octants to prepare for Calculus III.
Main Concepts: 3D coordinates, octants of R3
Relevant Subjects: Calculus III
Inspired by the classic game Missile Command, use 3D coordinates to take down the attacking missiles!
Main Concepts: 3D coordinates
Relevant Subjects: Calculus III
Similar to "Quadrants"; this time fill the appropriate quadrants to show your knowledge of the complex plane.
Main Concepts: complex points, complex plane
Relevant Subjects: Complex Analysis
Let's visualize the topological definition of a limit point with a nice game of darts. Just stay in the neighborhood, without hitting the center.
Main Concepts: limit points/accumulation points
Relevant Subjects: topology
Sumo wrestling! With... are those circles? Topological open sets? You can decide- just do your best!
Main Concepts: metric distance, Euclidean distance
Relevant Subjects: topology, analytic geometry
The Ham Sandwich Theorem (topology) and Ham Sandwich Problem (computational geometry) describe bisecting sets. If it's always possible, can you cut the plane with a line to do it?
Main Concepts: Ham Sandwich Problem
Relevant Subjects: topology, computational geometry
Find the targets at maximum and minimum points using the derivative tests from calculus!
Main Concepts: First Derivative Test, Second Derivative Test
Relevant Subjects: calculus 1
Can you tell if a polygon is convex or concave?
Main Concepts: convex and concave polygons
Relevant Subjects: geometry, computational geometry
Every permutation of a finite set can be described as a sequence of "swaps". Learn about these "2-cycles" visually by swapping cups to different positions.
Main Concepts: permutation groups, 2-cycles
Relevant Subjects: abstract algebra, combinatorics
Inspired by the British Game show Only Connect, this game (for experience mathematicians and math majors) presents different concepts and challenges you to find a connection.
Main Concepts: everything
Relevant Subjects: everything
Can you work out these small word puzzles based on math symbols?
Main Concepts: math symbols
Relevant Subjects: Transition to Higher Math
Crossword fan? These are traditional-style crosswords (letters, not numbers) with themes directed at experienced mathematicians and math majors.
Main Concepts: everything
Relevant Subjects: everything
A game inspired by Russell's comparison of the Axiom of Choice to choosing shoes vs. choosing socks.
Main Concepts: the Axiom of Choice (AC)
Relevant Subjects: Logic, Transition to Higher Math
Too bored to focus in your advanced math class today? Stay engaged (kind of) by keeping an eye and ear out for these terms, in classic Bingo style.
Main Concepts: everything
Relevant Subjects: everything
Learning about Pascal's Triangle and the Binomial Theorem? Practice the concepts while racking up points in this game.
Main Concepts: Pascal's Triangle, Binomial Theorem
Relevant Subjects: Number Theory, Discrete Math, Combinatorics
Ski down Pascal's Triangle, trying to grab numbers along the way for more points!
Main Concepts: Pascal's Triangle
Relevant Subjects: Number Theory, Discrete Math, Combinatorics
A Slapjack-style game of attentive anticipation. Roll the die and add (mod 6). You must think quickly to know when to react!
Main Concepts: cyclic groups, modular arithmetic
Relevant Subjects: Abstract Algebra, Number Theory
A Slapjack-style game of attentive anticipation. Roll the die and multiply (mod 7). You must think quickly to know when to react!
Main Concepts: cyclic groups, modular arithmetic
Relevant Subjects: Abstract Algebra, Number Theory
Looking for an intersection of math and horror? In this game, you solve your way out of a series of traps and lessons, using counting concepts to get you through. Inspired by (but not affiliated with) the Saw movie franchise.
Main Concepts: counting methods
Relevant Subjects: Combinatorics, Finite Math
Learn combinatorics while making your way through a slasher story. Can your math skills save you from the killer?
Main Concepts: counting methods
Relevant Subjects: Combinatorics, Finite Math, Discrete Math
How many words can you make from these letters? How many arrangements are possible in all? For word game lovers who want to learn some counting as well.
Main Concepts: permutations, factorials, probability
Relevant Subjects: Combinatorics, Probability
A follow-up to Word Scramble. This time you make smaller words instead of using all the letters. But how many permutations are possible?
Main Concepts: permutations, probability
Relevant Subjects: Combinatorics, Probability
A variation of Word Scramble that allows words to have more than one of the same letter. We focus on the counting, because the math is gonna get a lot messier - be prepared!
Main Concepts: permutations, multisets
Relevant Subjects: Combinatorics
Can you grasp a sequence from its formula? Well then... how many terms can you write in 30 seconds? Ready, set, go!
Main Concepts: sequences
Relevant Subjects: Calculus II, Real Analysis
It's hard enough writing out sequence terms quickly. What if you had to add them up as you go?! Welcome to series (sequences of partial sums).
Main Concepts: series (sequences of partial sums), sigma notation
Relevant Subjects: Calculus II, Real Analysis
Looking for a unique puzzle game? Freeze rocks in space to create the correct Venn diagrams.
Main Concepts: Venn diagrams
Relevant Subjects: Set Theory, Finite Math
In the spirit of Flappy Bird, you must avoid obstacles to get as far as you can in this game. But you are controlling a pencil, drawing a graph that must stay continuous.
Main Concepts: continuity (continuous functions)
Relevant Subjects: Calculus I
In this retro-style game, your bullets ricochet off the graph to the y-axis. The graph is continuous on this interval you shoot from. Then you always have a shot. This is the power of the IVT.
Main Concepts: Intermediate Value Theorem (IVT), continuity
Relevant Subjects: Calculus I
In the spirit of the Olympics summer games, this game uses "track and field" events to teach concepts about projectile motion.
Main Concepts: velocity, projectile motion
Relevant Subjects: Physics
A simple action puzzle game based on one concept in physics: when a horizontal projectile takes flight, it maintains the same horizontal velocity (even as vertical velocity changes).
Main Concepts: horizontal projectile motion
Relevant Subjects: Physics
All you do is press down... a simple game... or is it? Learn about how the "slope" of an object's position function relates to the object's velocity, in this small game of press and release.
Main Concepts: Velocity, Derivatives, and Slopes
Relevant Subjects: Calculus I
Racquetball is already intense in 3 dimensions. What if the ball was also travelling through a "4th dimension" and "bouncing" off walls in the same way. Can you catch it when it slides through our 3D world?
Main Concepts: point coordinates in multiple dimensions
Relevant Subjects: Multivariable Analysis, Linear Algebra, Complex Analysis
Aliens are attacking from higher dimensions! Counter their threats with this Missile Command-inspired game.
Main Concepts: metric distance, Euclidean distance
Relevant Subjects: Topology, Multivariable Analysis
Ready to expand your mind? Take a step beyond our 3-dimensional world with a little game of tic-tac-toe.
Main Concepts: point coordinates in multiple dimensions
Relevant Subjects: Multivariable Analysis, Linear Algebra, Complex Analysis
Use linear transformations defined by 2x2 matrices to reset the images in this visual puzzle game.
Main Concepts: linear transformations, matrices
Relevant Subjects: Linear Algebra
Line up the suspects, read over the clues, and identify the culprit based on logical statements. Come on, rookie, these cases are yours to solve.
Main Concepts: logical connectives (in English), logical statements
Relevant Subjects: Logic, Finite Math
Make your way through a gauntlet of escape rooms, by solving puzzles using symbolic logic.
Main Concepts: logical connectives (in symbols)
Relevant Subjects: Logic, Finite Math
Isn't it nice when you know what is true, and what is not? What if you couldn't even cross a pond without this kind of understanding. Help the frog get across the truth table pond, if you can figure it out.
Main Concepts: truth tables, logical connectives (in symbols)
Relevant Subjects: Logic, Finite Math
You've gotta be a quick thinker and a quick mover to build an isomorphic graph before the vertices disappear!
Main Concepts: (planar) graph isomorphisms
Relevant Subjects: Graph Theory, Discrete Math
The pressure is on in this game inspired by classic games of "Snake". Can you guide your snake to 10 blocks before the enemies "mod you out"?
Main Concepts: (planar) graph isomorphisms
Relevant Subjects: Graph Theory, Discrete Math
Take a timeout, relax, and color in this simple coloring book. But wait, perhaps it's not so simple... By the Four Color Theorem you can color without two adjacent regions being the same color. Can you do it?
Main Concepts: Four Color Theorem
Relevant Subjects: Graph Theory, Discrete Math
Time to do some detective work! Use your knowledge of four common logical argument forms to solve these very mini mysteries.
Main Concepts: argument forms
Relevant Subjects: Logic, Finite Math
Use your knowledge of function graphs to block the penalty kicks for this soccer match.
Main Concepts: common function graphs
Relevant Subjects: Precalculus
in this futuristic volleyball game, control the ball with monomial function graphs, and control your own gravity! First to 10 points wins!
Main Concepts: monomial function graphs
Relevant Subjects: Precalculus
Run around the tennis court to make your ball follow different odd function graphs, in this tennis game that, well, bends some of the rules.
Main Concepts: graphs of odd functions
Relevant Subjects: Precalculus
Provide your own statements and determine if the new statements are TRUE or FALSE
Main Concepts: truth value (of a statement)
Relevant Subjects: Logic, Discrete Math
Get your best score in this retro Olympic diving game, by doing lots of flips and landing in the water at the best angle.
Main Concepts: angles (radians and degrees)
Relevant Subjects: Precalculus, Trigonometry
Spin and throw in this shot put game - but stay in the bounds defined by the angles.
Main Concepts: angles (radians and degrees)
Relevant Subjects: Precalculus, Trigonometry
Are you a fan of mystery stories? Inspired by classic Sherlock Holmes stories, here is a short murder manuscript that puts you in the role of the editor. Finish the story by identifying which argument form is being used in each deduction.
Main Concepts: argument forms, fallacies
Relevant Subjects: Logic, Finite Math
Inspired by classic Sherlock Holmes stories, this is a companion story to An Argument at Lakeshire. As such, it is a short murder manuscript that puts you in the role of the editor. Finish the story by identifying which logic law is being used throughout the story.
Main Concepts: argument forms, fallacies
Relevant Subjects: Logic, Finite Math
Get a better grasp of finite groups, generators of subgroups, and modular arithmetic in general, in this space shooter on a cyclic play field.
Main Concepts: modular arithmetic, finite cyclic groups
Relevant Subjects: Number Theory, Abstract Algebra
In this retro Air Sea Battle (Target Fun) clone, get used to slopes and how lines with certain slopes cross a Cartesian grid.
Main Concepts: slopes of lines
Relevant Subjects: Precalculus, Calculus
In this relaxing puzzle game, you shoot slopes to points to create lines.
Main Concepts: point-slope formula of a line
Relevant Subjects: Precalculus, Calculus
Electronic ping pong anyone? Volley against the computer, choosing function graphs to guide your ball!
Main Concepts: function graphs
Relevant Subjects: Precalculus
Use graph shifts to swoop down as a bat. Rack up points by eating bugs.
Main Concepts: graph transformations
Relevant Subjects: Precalculus
Solve the puzzles by tranforming graphs with the appropriate numbers.
Main Concepts: graph transformations
Relevant Subjects: Precalculus
Step up to bat in this unique batting cage. Your bat follows a shifted graph of f(x) = x2 Be sure to shift correctly so the ball meets the end of your bat.
Main Concepts: graph shifts
Relevant Subjects: Precalculus
Let's go bowling! Shift exponential and logarithmic graphs to score the most points!
Main Concepts: graph shifts, exponentials and logarithms
Relevant Subjects: Precalculus
Learn and use basic concepts of logic to get through the first chapter of this murder mystery. (Content Warning: this is not intended for players under 18 years of age.) (Also... this is not a full game, but a "proof of concept" - it is incomplete and very buggy)
Main Concepts: symbolic logic, connectives
Relevant Subjects: Logic, Finite Math, Discrete Math
Stay within the intervals defined by the absolute values. Pass 10 gates to finish a run!
Main Concepts: absolute values, distance on the real line
Relevant Subjects: Precalculus, Calculus
Play a round of miniature golf while reviewing the epsilon-delta definition of a limit. How low can you get your score?
Main Concepts: limits, precise definition of a limit
Relevant Subjects: Calculus
Learn about basic probability while gambling with unique casino-influence games!
Main Concepts: Probability
Relevant Subjects: Probability, Combinatorics
Get used to the standard Cartesian x-y plane by taking down your targets and evading enemies in your attack helicopter!
Main Concepts: Cartesian coordinates
Relevant Subjects: Precalculus, Calculus
Fly your jet, controlling it with linear transformations of matrices.
Main Concepts: Linear Transformations (of images)
Relevant Subjects: Linear Algebra