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Stepping Down

Change speed while touching ground (not mid-air).

2 speeds: SLOW or FAST.

This game is about visualizing horizontal projectile motion. Falling velocity won't change with horizontal velocity, but how far you travel will.

Horizontal Projectile Motion

When a projectile moves off a flat platform and begins to descend through the air, some interesting physics occurs (assuming no air resistance, and that the object is close to the Earth).

1.) While in the air, the object will continue to move forward at the same velocity as its initial velocity after leaving the platform.

2.) It will descend more and more quickly the longer it falls. This is based on the acceleration due to gravity (which increases its falling velocity by another 9.8 meters per second, every second that it falls).

Different paths of a falling projectile.

How do these two facts affect how far you fly and where you land? Think about this question and let this game help you visualize the answer. Learn more here.

Note: to improve playability, some aspects in this game are not to scale with the real world. The general math concepts are not affected.