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Probability Casino

Come apply probabilities while playing some virtual gambling games!

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You can earn some spending money by helping our bookkeepers figure out the chance involved in this game. Just determine the probability of winning. If you are unsure, consult the guidebook.

A (fair) coin is flipped. You win if it lands on heads.

Probability of winning:
Probability of NOT winning:
Odds in favor of winning:
Odds against winning:

An event is any set of possible outcomes from an experiment. For instance, when flipping a coin, "it comes up heads" describes one event. We could just say "heads" or write H, etc., to represent this event.

The probability of an event is calculated as a fraction:
# of outcomes in the event
# of total possible outcomes (from the experiment)

So, when flipping a coin, the probability of "heads" is: # of outcomes in the event 1
------------------------------- = ----
# of total possible outcomes 2

We can write this as 1/2, or .5, or 50%. They all represent the same thing: there is a 50% chance of flipping heads.