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Projectile Athletics

Learn about projectile movement by running and jumping through track and field events!

Distance and Displacement

In physics, we can measure an object's change in position as distance or displacement. While distance calculates the length of the full path the object took between the two points, distance only measures how far the two points are from each other (that is, the closest path between them).

Suppose a runner runs around a oval track that measures 400 meters around, and ends up at the same position he started at. Then the distance between his start and end point is 400 meters, but the displacement is 0. Because he ended up at the same point, displacement measures as if he hasn't moved at all!

Similarly, if you jump up (vertically) 10 centimeters and then land exactly where you jumped from, the distance from your starting position to your ending position is 20 centimeters (10 centimeters going up, 10 centimeters going back down). But your total displacement is 0 again.

Finally, suppose (without moving "back" or "forward" in the direction of the front of the podium) an athlete steps from flat ground, 2 feet away, up onto the center of a 2nd place podium that is 4 feet wide and 3 feet tall. Horizontally, you have to move 2 feet to get to the podium, then 2 feet to the center (so 4 feet total). Vertically, you have to move 3 feet. So, the displacement between the starting and ending points is 4 feet + 3 feet, a total of 7 feet. But (by the Pythagorean Theorem) the distance between your starting and ending points is 5 feet.

Podium with lines marking distance and displacement
Displacement and distance on a podium


Velocity refers to the rate at which an object moves in some direction.

For instance, if you run straight on a track at 5 meters per second (written as "5 m/s"), then each second, you will have moved another 5 meters. The table below shows the total distance you have traveled (in meters) for the first three seconds that you are running.

Time (s) from start Distance (m) traveled
0 0
1 5
2 10
3 15

So, suppose you run 15 meters in 3 seconds (like the table suggests). To determine your average velocity, you can calculate overall distance divided by overall time:

15 m = 5 m/s
3 s

While velocity measures a change in position over time, acceleration measures the change in velocity over time (that is, how much does the object speed up or slow down).

Vertical Velocity

The previous section concerned "horizontal velocity", like running. To simplify calculations (generally without significant error) we assume that this is happening on a flat plane, rather than say, over a small hill.

To look at "vertical velocity", we consider movement away or towards a flat plane, like jumping up and down in one spot on a hardwood floor. A major difference is when jumping, we have gravity pushing us in the opposite direction. This downward force determines how quickly our velocity changes. The force (called the standard acceleration of gravity or acceleration due to gravity or sometimes even shortened to just gravity) is written as g and is around 9.8 m/s2. (Note: this value is the acceleration near the Earth's surface, but for our calculations in this game, it makes sense to assume the moving object is near the Earth.)


A projectile is an object that is sent through the air along a curved path under the action of gravity only. It can also be anything thrown, kicked, etc., but for our game, a person jumping is the projectile. We will also simplify things by focusing on one point of the jumping object- specifically, the center of the person's feet. (In real track and field calculations, calculations would focus more on the person's "center of gravity").

A projectile's general movement can be calculated based on its horizontal velocity and vertical velocity, as we did in the table earlier - however, in this case we must remember that gravity is constantly affecting the vertical velocity. Let's start with the same table, and add an initial vertical velocity of 9.8 m/s. To visualize this as a graph, we'll rewrite distance traveled as x (for horizontal displacement, in meters) and y (for vertical displacement, in meters). Time (in seconds) from start is abbreviated to just t.

t x y
0 0 0
1 5 9.8
2 10 9.8
3 15 0

Notice a few things: even though the vertical velocity changes during flight, the horizontal velocity (of 5 m/s) stays the same throughout. And, the rising vertical values match the descending vertical values, so an arc graphing the x and y values would be horizontally symmetric.

Graph showing horizontal symmetry of a projectile
Horizontal symmetry of a projectile path


The formulas below assume no air resistance, and assume that objects begin and end the projectile path on the same flat plane.

(Note: by "jump velocity" or v0 we mean the velocity at which an object is initially moving along horizontal and vertical directions together; i.e., basically the "diagonal" velocity of a running jump. We use θ to denote the angle of the diagonal launch.)

Horizontal and Vertical from Jump velocity:

Initial horizontal velocity = v0 cos(θ)

Initial vertical velocity = v0 sin(θ)

Total time that the projectile is in the air:

2 v0 sin(θ) / g

Distance of arc:

v0 cos(θ) × (total time in the air)

Maximum height of arc:

v0 sin(θ) × (half the total time in the air)
      - .5 × g × (half the total time in the air)2

Note: your own answers may not exactly match those in this game due to rounding performed in calculations.